Figurative, symbolic and healing works of art for the soul and the heart
The Secret world of the Muses
A journey into the Sacred Feminine
Virginie Hentzienne shares with you the soulful world of her Muses... contemporary works of art inspired by Feminine images in vibrant colors, each whispering messages in your ear to enlighten your heart, stir the longings of your soul and awaken your spirit to the sense of Sacredness that infuses every expression of life.

Virginie Hentzienne
Artist and creative guide
Intentional Creativity Workshops
Exploring my inner world has been an endless source of wonder and fascination.
Tapping into the power of intention and creative imagination, my artistic approach has only one goal: encountering and bringing into life the Healing Self, this hidden piece of our soul that carries our Inner Wisdom, and has the ability to enlighten our path by bringing into the light of consciousness the life stories that have taken us away from our truth.
Inviting each Muse like an oracle, I approach my art with the question: what do I need to know that has not been revealed to me yet, in order to consciously nurture my path towards Aliveness, and empowered self-expression? How can I enter into a relationship with Life and with myself in a conscious, loving and creative way, by offering to my mind and sense of reason the counterweight of my intuition and heart wisdom, and the inspirations of my Inner Muse?
This is the journey I am inviting you to... through my artwork, and through my guidance as an Intentional Creativity® Teacher, in workshops where visioning, spontaneous writing and intuitive painting all come together to help you lend an ear to your own Inner Muse, and renew the dialogue with parts of you that you have forgotten... and that carry your greatest dreams and vitality.
What do you say? ...Come and play?
Sneak peek on works of art from the gallery

I love your presence and enthusiasm, and your generosity in sharing your knowledge and experience. I feel safe exploring with you. Throughout the day, I was in contact with a part of my interiority, and through the painting that I created, I was able to connect with what was alive in me, to welcome it, and accept it. Since then, I have my painting prominently in my house, and I continue to communicate with her and it is so enriching! It is essential that you offer this workshop again, it is a wonderful gift to offer oneself.
This workshop took me on a wonderful journey inside myself. I loved the meditation, the red thread, the music, the painting, everything! I have touched my vulnerability and come out stronger and more balanced.
I really recommend this unique and very enriching experience.
Françoise, Montreal
Sylvie, Montreal
This day exceeded my expectations. The atmosphere was serene and magical. It allowed me to connect with the other participants and I felt a real well-being to let my imagination run free throughout the day. I loved all the tips you gave us. I would have taken more!
Thank you very much for this magical day.
This experience has been so enriching. I listened to my body and my emotions throughout the activity and I was able to receive very useful messages on my personal development. At one point, I realized that I was trying to be too perfect and that I wasn't having fun anymore. My head was more in charge of my creation than my heart. That's when I told myself: "No matter what my muse looks like, I don't care and I'm having fun". At that moment, I really connected with my heart!
Thank you Virginie, your new workshop is fantastic!
Carole, Montreal
Lynda, Montreal